French Seed Conference 2009
The leaders of Europlants, HZPC, Agrico, Higgins and Germicopa exchanged their points of view about the perspective of market and the consequences on the seed potatoes.
Blandine Cailliez was at the head of the discussion.
At the meeting of FNPPPT last December, 80% of the seeds' world exchanges were associated.
According to Agrico, Europlant, Germicopa, Higgins and HZPC, margins of progress are expected on the world markets.
The variety will have an important part only if protective measures exist.
Thanks' to the diversified varieties and good quality production, France could take advantage. And why not to become the leader!
According to David Higgins, the industry's high progress in 80's is going to be harder and the industrials will have to turn towards new important markets such as Russia, North Africa and The Middle East.
The margin of progress will exist in South America and India too. As more of these countries grow rich, they adopt UE's way of life and so they consume processed product.
For these productions the essential competitive factor should stay with a low price as possible: with emphasis on varieties with strong productivity and low price of production.
In China, Russia and India to take advantage, industrialists will have to choose adapted varieties about conditions of local productions (early varieties, resistance to high temperature or subtropical crop)
On that market, to reduce costs the plant's supplying would go by local production.
Asked about investment possibilities in China and India, the breeders confirmed their interest but underlined all the huge risks taken without protection.
In this context, the industrialist's contract will be the most important part to protect their interests.