The Higgins Group offers its growers over 50 years’ of business expertise in the potato supply industry, affording them a solid base on which to build success. Equally, its 400 plus grower network enables the company to supply customers with a range of suitable varieties where and when they are needed. A healthy, productive rural environment is of vital importance to all farmers, the The Higgins Group works alongside growers to manage the impact of large-scale potato production and maintain acceptable levels of sustainability.
Regarding growers as partners in a successful business, The Higgins Group provides them with a comprehensive support service as part of its quality assurance and supply chain management process. It begins with the delivery of first class, healthy seed and continues through the growing process to harvest and storage, ensuring that growers reap maximum profit from their crops.

The support service is both pro-active and re-active; agronomists and field staff make routine visits to growers to share knowledge and expertise. Regular technical news bulletins are sent to all growers, particularly during the growing season, and growers can access the Higgins website as a source of technical data. All Higgins growers have access to the in-house technical library.
Recognising growers as a critical factor in the chain, Higgins is able to offer one of the most flexible, innovative packages in the market place. This includes the opportunity to participate in pooling arrangements, joint ventures or straight contracts.
The business continues to invest in capital equipment which can be utilised by growers during harvest and delivery, as well as improvements to its own long term box storage at Finningley (one of Europe’s largest independent sites).
If you have any feedback, please contact us.