Aphid Monitoring
PVY is the most important virus of seed potatoes in the UK. The transmission of PVY and PLRV (Potato leaf roll virus) from infected to healthy plants is by aphid feeding and movement.
Prevention of the spread of virus requires knowledge of aphid species present, the level of infection in crops and an understanding of how the population is changing.

This information is readily obtainable by placing aphid traps in crops and monitoring on a weekly basis, which allows a calculation of the infection index and subsequently to calculate the need to spray, identify the right product and minimize unnecessary applications.
Communicating this information rapidly and accurately can be more difficult, and so we have introduced two novel channels to the grower.
First, we posted the results on our website with access open to participating members of the scheme.
Second we introduced a text service direct to growers mobile phone, to give warnings of hot spots and, just as important, notification of the opportunity to relax.