Variety Development
Higher yielding varieties with better processing or prepacking characteristics will benefit everyone involved in potato growing as well as consumers. Our current plant breeding programme is focused on processing crisps and chips and export varieties. We annually conduct replicated trials in the UK, on the continent and in North Africa to test the best of these new varieties in the field and with our customers.
Our recent trials in North Africa have produced 2 very exciting varieties Bremner and Safiyah which have been accepted onto the National List after 2 years of independent trials and which we are now multiplying to commercial volumes. For 2 years, Safiyah has been the highest yielder in independent trials in Egypt.
We believe that with our access to and understanding of the marketplace, together with our expertise in plant breeding, progeny testing and variety trialling, we are uniquely placed in the UK to evaluate new material efficiently and rapidly.
One of our unique strengths is that we are able to store samples at different temperatures of 6ºC, 8ºC and 10ºC, evaluating their process quality each month. This allows us to categorise new varieties into short, medium or long term storers.